公司名稱 |
德泰科技股份有限公司 |
Domex headquarter is located at Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park. It was founded in 1986 with company name DTC. At that time, IBM XT is very popular, DTC was the biggest maker of MFM hard disk controller in the world. Later, DTC acquired Qume and became a major manufacturer of text terminal and laser printer. |
德寶科技有限公司 |
德巍股份有限公司 |
德巍公司成立於民國77年12月,為一提供各式電腦平台上使用之儲存週邊設備之專業代理公司。舉凡SCO UNIX、Novell、WINDOWS、NT、MAC、SUN、SGI、HP……等,電腦平台上使用之各種介面〈IDE、SCSI、USB、FIREWIRE 1394等〉之硬碟、硬碟陣列、MO磁光碟機、CD燒錄機、SCSI一對多對拷機、控制卡、及各種介面之接頭、排線、耗材、MO片、CD/CDRW 空片等產品。本公司備有現貨,可立即大量供應。 |
慶霖電子企業股份有限公司 |
慶霖電子成立於民國七十八年五月,十六年來一直秉持精益求精,品質第一,客戶至上的精神,一步一腳印戰戰兢兢的經營。 廣受客戶一致的好評,依現今趨勢,公司毅然決然於民國八十八年成立大陸慶霖電子分公司,如此一來可提供客戶更多的選擇,也提高本公司更強大的競爭力,公司未來亦延續此精神,永續經營,繼續為客戶提供最優良的品質及最好的服務。 |
歐立科技股份有限公司 |
The manufacturer of AirLive TM products, OvisLink Corp,. was founded in 1993 in Taiwan by a group of industrial experts who set out to provide the best combination of quality, service, technology and value in the industry. Today, OvisLink Corp. is an international corporation, total networking solution provider with over 200 products and with hundreds of distributors around the world. |
歐締科技股份有限公司 |
Since the very beginning, ORtek has been devoted to the research, development and manufacture of superior computer input devices. Today, ORtek is among the top five input device vendors in Taiwan . Our mission is to provide a more humanized interface for operating computers. Staying true to this mission, ORtek has achieved such milestones as leading the Taiwan industry in launching the first keyboard designed for optimum ergonomics. |
磐英科技股份有限公司 |
磐英科技股份有限公司以生產x86電腦主機板,成立於1995年,其前身磐宇科技成立於1989年為一IC設計公司,專門從事於ASIC、工業用PC、一般PC及NOTEBOOK等之OEM/ODM業務。基於在電腦業界豐富的專業素養、經驗和團隊精神,磐英分別於1995年率先使用Intel 82430FX Chipset及1996年使用VIA(威盛) Apollo 晶片組製造P55系列主機板,自此,磐英被業界定位為生產Pentium、Pentium Pro及PentiumII主機板的專業先鋒製造者。 |
磐儀科技股份有限公司 |
磐儀科技是具有 ISO-9001 品質認證的嵌入式暨網路運算電腦製造商,我們的使命是提供符合國際品質標準與嚴格生產規範的高品質產品;磐儀科技的產品曾獲得台灣精品獎,充分肯定了磐儀科技的先進技術與嚴格品質。此外,磐儀科技為英特爾網路通訊聯盟 (Intel® Communications Alliance) 的會員;領先採用英特爾的先進技術,透過創新產品實現您的未來科技願景。磐儀科技在全球主要城市均設有營運據點,不論客戶身處何處,均能享有我們專業的嵌入式運算解決方案的服務。 |
蓮騰科技有限公司 |
輝煌電子有限公司 |
Glory Mark Electronic Ltd is a professional manufacturer of computer cable assembly and network products. |
震宇電子股份有限公司 |
1394介面專用組件.LCD TV EMI&EMC安規專用零件
Lan Transformer
power choke & coil
Ferrite core beads
各式連接器&轉接卡CF.SD.MMC.MS.MS Duo.SM.XD.MiniSD
無線天線(2.4GHz.G.P.S,DVB-T,FM Antenna,433MHz.2.4GHz PIFA)
澔曄國際有限公司 |
Based in Taiwan, toward worldwide global market. By our three divisions - Communication, Multimedia speaker & Computer Peripherals - YesGood always provide you the best solutions in today's fast changing business environment |
撼訊科技股份有限公司 |
成立於 1997 年。 全球總部設立在中華民國台灣省台北縣。 撼訊科技是 PC 產業的領導者,專注在品牌行銷與服務,並提供全方位的科技解決方案。我們以知名的 PowerColor 品牌行銷全世界,目前是全球第三大繪圖顯示卡供應商,並躍昇為ATI顯示卡出貨量最大的廠商。 |
興瑞通信股份有限公司 |
Tellus Group Corporation was established at the Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park in May 1993 amidst rapid growth in the global communication industry. Backed up by an impressive talent pool, both local and foreign, the company is now involved in the R&D and manufacturing of communication products. After years of professional technological experience, Tellus boasts of a solid R&D team engaged in the development of state-of-art Wired and Wireless LAN networking products. |
龍駿國際科技股份有限公司 |
KYMASTER's objective is to provide the affordable cost, plug and play connectivity to PC (desktop and portable) and Mac systems.
We can offer the complete interface solutions and valuable applications to customers through our innovative design. |