公司名稱 |
逸達國際股份有限公司 |
逸達公司,是一家可提供各項電子產品、電腦及週邊裝置、 逸達國際股份公司自成立以來,便致力於外接式硬碟盒、外接式光碟機組、MP3播放機、散熱器等模具組之相關產品設計、模具製造【塑膠模、鎂合金模、鋁合金模、鋅合金模等】,塑膠、鋁、鋅合金製品生產、塗裝、電鍍、組裝等作業;是一家可提供各項電子產品、電腦及週邊裝置、資訊通信、家庭電器等3C產品之研發、整機設計、製造、組裝與專業 OEM、ODM的代工服務。
進勇國際有限公司 |
Established in 1996 Winchip Technology Corp. was founded in 1996, Bring together
expertise in the area of memory products design, reliability engineering, manufacturing, and
product marketing.To meet its leadership responsibility to the industry, the company's core
competence is
1. to stay at forefront of mew technologies 2. to satisfy customer needs through innovation
3. to deliver service in a fast/ save client/server model 4. to focus on market product demand |
進豐國際有限公司 |
鈞富資訊股份有限公司 |
MAXIMUS Technology Inc. was established in July 1987. Maximus had striven to create a professional company operating in various fields related to High Tech sales, marketing and service company which dedicated to open computer system products service in Taiwan.
鈑研精工股份有限公司 |
本公司成立於民國63年(1974),從事沖床、模具設計、製造經驗已有30年以上。生產製造數萬種沖床件-汽機車配件、建材五金、音響外殼、美術燈罩…等。因應市場不同階段變革於83年(1994)轉型,製作各種少量多樣之鈑金機殼、沖床件,並引進日製NC沖孔機、雷射切割、NC折床,並延伸服務面至設計。打樣、少量生產、量產,降低開模成本,提昇市場競爭力。品質、服務深受同業好評。 |
雄美企業有限公司 |
雄富有限公司 |
8.SD卡,LED板,薄板. |
順茂股份有限公司 |
順茂股份有限公司是一家專心致力於產品標刻系統的公司,我們有最先進的標印機械,加上專業的CNC服務團隊,使您產品的標印品質和歐美先進國家一致,提升您產品的競爭力及形象,我們的客戶分佈各行各業,從電子業、半導體業、CD製造到機械電機零件、汽機車零件、航太零件、軍事設備、模具業、塑膠業…等均有參考範例,我們提供每一個客戶最好的服務及最穩定的機器,希望順茂公司給您專業服務能像我們的名字SOON MARK一樣迅速、便捷、專業。 |
順閎國際有限公司 |
本公司從早期的電源供給器,電腦機箱製造、銷售,到近三年來的準系統組合銷售,產品種類多達上百種電腦週邊耗材,如:電源供應器、電腦機箱、鍵盤、滑鼠、多媒體音箱等五大類產品。 |
黑鴿實業有限公司 |
Established in 1991. A-case, an "Added Value Partner", specializes in the manufacture of computer cases.Dedication to meeting the specific needs of customers, innovative product design, advanced manufacturing techniques and prompt delivery are the hallmarks of ACase. A-Case is pround of its reputation as a leader in the production of high quality computer cases. |
皕瑞科技股份有限公司 |
成立於1979年的皕瑞科技股份有限公司,是一家已擁有20多年經驗豐富的製造商,生產高品質散熱風扇、解決電腦、電器機械、電源供應器、空調和技術用途之導熱問題。 Bi-Sonic主要的產品是AC Tubular Axial Fan、DC Brushless Fan、DC Cross-Flow Fan、DC Brushless Motor和護網,每月產能量是120萬台。由於我們創新產品的成果,因此,Bi-Sonic已獲得顧客的肯定以及國際性之安規認證,例如:UL、CUL、CSA、TUV、VDE、CE、C-TICK等等。在1993年,為了滿足大量的需求,Bi-Sonic在台灣新店市建設一座約850坪的工廠。除此之外,在中國大陸廣東省,於1997年建設一座2,830坪的工廠。 Bi-Sonic的企業目標在於供應最好品質的產品和滿足顧客的特別需求。Bi-Sonic也是一家與眾不同的OEM製造商,透過投資多元化和研發計劃,機械上的工程設備和機器配備,例如信賴性試驗室、噪音試驗室、風量、平衡測試和其他高科技配備。我們相信以產品良好的表現,可靠的品質和優勢的價格可滿足貴公司的需求。
傳祥股份有限公司 |
T&T was founded in 1989 when it is identified a need for small, highly reliable fans and blowers in the electronics industry. In accordance with the huge quantity demand of fan & blower, T&T moved factory to Shen-Zhen from Donggun in 1999.
奧斯登企業股份有限公司 |
TV wall and ceiling mounting brackets 9 to 37 inches
TV floor stands 12 to 29 inches
Speaker floor stands
Adjustable speaker wall brackets
Equipment hi-fi/video racks
19-inch system cabinets
LCD projector mounts
嵩景實業有限公司 |
The company was established about 6 years ago by Mr.David Lin. the president.
A-TEC SUBSYSTEM is a privately held company,
The product focus is on (smaller) computer peripheral items such as:
external drive enclosures for CD and HDD (for single and multiple drives)
card readers for various storage media
removable drive racks for HDD(IDE and SCSI)
cable testers for Ethernet LAN and telephone applications
嵩裕企業有限公司 |
Created in 1986, Sunnest International has always helped its customers answer and exceed the demands of electronic goods.
Our goal is to continuously provide new products and achieve higher customer satisfaction. Today, we know better than anyone how to combine innovation and satisfaction.