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Company | LOOK Publication Inc. | TEL | 886-2-27201789 | FAX | 886-2-27201298 | E-MAIL | stella_chen@compotechasia.com | WEB SITE | www.compotech.com.tw/ | CONTENTS | COMPOTECH Asia magazine takes those professional readers, who pay much attention to the electronic technology development in Taiwan electronic industry, as its readers. And it was founded in Taipei in May, 1999 by LOOK Publication Inc. In the first three years, it was issued with the Chinese name of “COMPOTECH”, and it firstly gained a publishing number of “electronic and computer” magazine, which is affiliated to “Beijing Publishing House of Electronic Industry”, in 2002. To achieve accordance with the magazine name, the traditional edition was renamed as “COMPOTECH Asia” in traditional Chinese for Taiwan market in 2003, and the simplified edition was renamed as “COMPOTECH China” in simplified Chinese for China market. Both of the editions are synchronously issued in Taiwan and China——the two key areas of electronic design and manufacture in Asia which gain most attention. | PRODUCTS