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EEchain Optronics Corp.
6F., No.105 Lide St., Jhonghe District 235 NEW TAIPEI CITY TAIWAN
Best view 800x600
Company | NANO-OP CO.,LTD. | TEL | 886-3-434-3600 | FAX | 886-3-434-3500 | E-MAIL | nano-op@mail.nano-op.com.tw | WEB SITE | www.nano-op.com.tw/ | CONTENTS | 2000
Mar. Taiwan Nano Electro-Optical Technology Co.,Ltd. was approved to be
founded at the capital of thirty million NT dollar.
Jun. Factory setup in Jungli Industrial Park in Taoyuan.
Capital raised to one hundred and four million NT dollar.
Aug. Capital raised to four hundred million NT dollar.
Sep. The first period of four production lines for light guide plate and module
2001 Jan. Printless dot type light guide plate development and backlight module
production technology completed.
Feb. Capital raised to five hundred million NT dollar.
Apr. Went public in the Taiwan Stock Exchange.
Aug. Front light plate acquired the leading development plan of Industrial
Development Bureau, MOEA.
Oct. Obtained Patent on Optical Matrix Employing Microprisms .
Taiwan Nano Electro-Optical Technology Co.,Ltd. backlight module
production was certificated and started mass production.